April 4th doorway

  My teachings are gladly given, but they are more gladly given when implemented through the armor of action.  What a pity it is that men do not appreciate the depths of their connection with us….Little do men dream when first coming in contact with us of the extent of our holy order.     -Morya:  1971, see http://books.google.com/books?id=-8_lnEa5lHcC&pg=RA1-PA60&dq=clare+prophet+implemented+armor&hl=en&sa=X&ei=089dUYqSI6jfigKAuICYDQ&ved=0CDEQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=clare%20prophet%20implemented%20armor&f=false
  In every age there must be souls who are willing to bear a certain portion of the weight of world karma.  In these times it is by and large elemental life who bear that weight, for those among mankind who care at all to cary a little extra baggage are few and far between. 
  For how can you be obedient to the will of God when the bag and baggage of the world is in the way?  You must be free to run, to move in the wind and to answer the call of Hierarchy for the saving of a nation.  
94.  To fill the people’s libraries with falsehood is a grave offense.  It is necessary to perceive the true intent of the author in order to estimate the quality of his errors.  Ignorance will be the worst basis; fear and meanness occupy the next place.  None of these qualities are befitting the community.  To accomplish their removal in the new construction is a necessity.  Prohibitory measures as usual are not suitable, but a discovered error must be removed from the book.  The necessity of such removal, and the reprinting of the book, will bring the author to his senses.  Every citizen has the right to prove an error.  Indeed one should not impede new views and structures; but incorrect data must not bring one into error, because knowledge is the armor of the community, and the defense of knowledge is the duty of all the members.     -Morya:  Community 1926
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