The uplifting of the cross is a symbol where God and man meet in the vital body

The Good Friday confrontation is more than historical, it is an initiation of the ages.  The uplifting of the cross is a symbol where God and man meet in the vital body of Christ-truth.  The corporal body of the living Word is announced to the present hour by men who understand it not even as they understood him not in that day.               -Archeia Mary:  Pearls of Wisdom 8:36


We would like to point out that to attempt the scaling of the stars when men are unable to overcome small conflicts within their own domain often focuses energy and attention away from the direction of greatest need….

Bring now to every heart the balm of more lustrous knowing, the essence and fragrance of those flowers which adorn the bowers of life, which blunt the thorns that misguided effort has planted on the human byways.      -Kuthumi:  Pearl 9:1


Why is it then that humanity does not recognize that his spiritual senses like the sharpest swords of the finest steel must be kept untarnished and radiantly sharp?  If the cutting edge is lost, if the senses of the Spirit become dulled through continual involvement in the psychic battle between human wills and human desires, how can humanity find their freedom?…

Because he has wandered so long from the reality of God the very Law of Love demands that man become engrossed in the search until he find, point by point, the lost and broken strands of his own wondrous reality.  Through the ministry of the Holy Spirit the severed strands are once again united and the bridge of divine radiance that composes the invisible garment of the servant-son is once again placed before him as the means of his goalfittedness for a lifetime….

I recognize the understanding that is given/ To the greatest masters       and humble beginners alike./  I pray O God that this understanding may be sufficient unto me/ That I may become as a little child/                To receive the crumbs that fall from Thy table/ And to recognize them  as seeds of magnificent cosmic potential.    -Maha Chohan:  Pearl 13:4   


How happy men should be that inventions for the communicating of knowledge have been released in the electronic instruments preserved now to their hand….But toward what have their efforts been directed? Toward the glorification of the ego, I say, while the genuine God-directed ego that is the true monad has not been properly honored. Men mock virtue and laugh at the pure in heart whose modesty they deride….even religion has become a competitive game….

Are you not also intended one day to express the allness of universal power when you shall have completed your novitiate and moved onward in the varying degrees of mastery, striving for the perfection of cosmic purpose?     -Archangel Jophiel:  Pearl 13:38

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1-27-15   A stable currency is the foundation for the literally billions of transactions and economic arrangements that make growth possible. To simplify, imagine how difficult it would be to function if the number of minutes in an hour were constantly changing.

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